Works Commencement Ceremony for New LECM Building

Release date:2006/08/11
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LECM held the works commencement ceremony for its new building on 11th August 2006 (Friday) at 10:00am to mark the official start of construction of the New LECM Building. Among the participants were the representative of the Macau Government – DSSOPT, the building design – Joy Choi Arquitacta, the project supervision – Civil Engineering Consultants Company Limited, the main contractor – On Nong Construction Company Limited and its subcontractors, also the members of the General Assembly, the Supervisory Committee, members of the Board, and the top management of LECM.

The proposed site for the New LECM Building is located at Avenida Wai Long no.137-185, Taipa, Macau. The building is five-storeys high with a gross floor area of approximately 7,000 square meters, and is expected to be completed by mid August 2007.




